Monday 15 January 2018

Character Bio

Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.

Name: Ebony Niall. 
Deedname: Shadow-Of-The-Moon. 
Species: Garou. (Werewolf) 
Breed: Homid. (Human Born) 
Tribe: Black Furies. 
Camp: Amazons Of Diana.
Tribe Totem: Pegasus
Pack: Comet's Gleam.
Pack Totem:  Rattlesnake.

Auspice: Ahroun. (Warrior) 
Rank: Fostern.
Role: Maiden. 
Ethnicity: Greek/Irish. 
Hometown: Kilkenny, Ireland. 

Age: 26. 
Birthday: October 21. 
Orientation: Bisexual. Prefers Women. 
Relationship Status: Unmated. 


Appearance - Homid:

Height: 5'5. 
Weight: 132 lbs. 
Figure: Slender with an athletic build from years of fight training and battles. 
Skin Tone: Slightly tanned due to her partial Mediterranean blood with a paleness from her Irish Father.  
Eyes: Hazel. 
Hair: Brownish Blonde falling in long waves around her shoulders. Sometimes worn up or braided. 
Scars: None too vicious but she does have a few. Only one worth noting being the one slicing down her right side. 
Tattoos/Markings: A Rose/Leaves upon her right shoulder. An Owl on her left forearm and a star on each wrist. 

Lupus Form:

Unlike most Furies, and perhaps thanks to her partial Irish descent Ebony's wolven forms, of which as a Garou she has more than one, are a sort of reddish colour with splashes of white and perhaps darker brown mixed in. Of those forms Lupus looks like a pure wolf and is usually used for speed oriented attacks. 

Hispo Form:

Hispo is larger than Lupus, looking more like a Dire Wolf. She stands on all fours like in Lupus and is just under six feet tall. Her teeth and claws are larger too, perfect for tearing into prey. Her coat is more white with just slight traces of red in this form. 

Crinos Form:

Height: 7'5. 

Generally referred to as the War Form, this is the most powerful of a Garou's forms. Unlike the male Garou, Ebony is lithe, sleek and dangerous rather than a solid wall of muscles and savage intent. She's still deadly though. Her fur is solid red like blood in this form and she looks more like the traditional man beast typical of a hollywood werewolf movie. Stands on two legs and uses front paws as arms.

Glabro Form:

Height: 6'5. 

In this form, Ebony is a mixture of woman and beast. Taller, stronger, with faster reflexes and general speed. She's also a lot hairier, I know, not a very flattering image. Her finger nails become wolf-like claws and her canines sharpen into fangs perfect for biting into enemies and tearing chunks out. Her face takes on a sharper, slightly more wolfish appearance. 


Weapon Of Choice- Willbreaker:

Like most Garou of the Black Fury Tribe, Ebony favours the Labrys, a two headed battle axe that fits snugly in the palm of her hand and can cause a heck of a lot of damage towards the enemy. The blades are decorated with a strange sort of pattern and are wickedly sharp. Given it's status as a Fetish Weapon the two bladed axe is home to a Spirit, one who's sole purpose is to inflict pain upon the enemy, rather fitting for an Ahroun. 

The Story:

Born and raised in Kilkenny Ireland, Ebony had always known of Garou, her mother a member of the Black Furies, a Tribe of fierce warrior women and her father a Fianna Kinfolk, had spent much of her youth teaching her the ways of the Garou, in case she was to take after her mother and become one. 

When she reached her teen years she underwent her first transformation and with it came an over-abundance of Rage, Garou are rage filled creatures at the best of times but what Ebony had was off the charts. This was because it turned out her Auspice was Ahroun, the warrior type. This made her far more violent than the other Garou in the area, most of which were Fianna Tribe, yet she still somehow managed to make a friend or two. 

As she aged, she grew into one of her Packs most vicious protectors, despite being lower in the ranks than some of the other Garou. She had a fierce thirst to prove herself in battle and deed, earning herself the deedname Shadow-Of-The-Moon because she fought the most viciously under the Moon's shadow. 

It's unknown what happened to her Pack, but Ebony since made the journey, alone to Hellifyno, it's assumed that they're long dead. What she's hoping to find there even she does not know. A friend? A purpose? Enemies to fell in the name of Gaia? Only time will tell. 

She's fallen in with the local Garou Sept and is working to aid them in bringing down their enemies. She may have even made a friend or two and could have found her purpose here. That purpose turned out to be forming a new pack, Comet's Gleam, within which she serves as Beta to the packs Alpha, Koto. She considers this to be her second chance and she'll be damned if she loses this pack too.



Koto Hasemi:

Rank: Alpha. 
Auspice: Ahroun. 
Tribe: Children Of Gaia. 
Deedname: Storm-Bringer. 

While they'd originally only spoken a few times Koto became a fast friend to the hotheaded Fury when they'd somewhat bonded over the difficulty of holding ones temper in check with the amount of rage Ahroun's possess. Perhaps it wouldn't be wrong of her to claim the Child of Gaia was one of her first friends upon Hellifyno. 

Maximus Bloodwalker:

Rank: None Established. 
Auspice: Ahroun. 
Tribe: White Howlers. 
Deedname: Dares-The-Labyrinth.  
She doesn't know Max all that well but from what little she'd encountered him before they became bonded by Pack she found him oddly sweet and a little clumsy. But definitely a friendly soul that she could see a companionship forming between them. 

Slays-The-Hydrant: (Deceased)

Rank: None Established. 
Auspice: Philodox. 
Tribe: Bone Gnawers. 
Deedname: Slays-The-Hydrant. 

The young Lupus affectionately known to her only as Slays, a nickname derived from his Deedname was known to her only a few short hours before they became packmates and in that time she'd observed him to be amusing and lovable in that manner that pups often are. She sees them able to become friends as time progresses.  

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Character Bio

Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass. Name:   Ebony Niall.  Deedname:   Shadow-Of-...